Wednesday 3 May 2017

Photoshop and Digital Darkroom Techniques

Your task: Using the Photoshop techniques introduced previously, enhance some of your weaker photos. You will post a before and after image for 3 photographs and write a description of what Photoshop techniques you used to improve it and why.

Step #1: Choose 3 photographs from your photograph collection (photographs YOU have taken) that would benefit from the following techniques: cropping, more contrast in colour or values, sharpening, need the intensity of shadows, highlight and midtones adjusted, red eye eliminated, spot healing, etc.  If you are not sure whether they need any of these adjustments then just choose any 3 photographs to work with.

Step #2: Open one image at a time in Photoshop and explore the different techniques from the handout - some photographs will need several of the techniques for enhancement, others will only need 2 or 3. The more you explore the techniques and understand what they can be used for the better your portfolio of photographs will become moving forward so explore and ask questions!

Step #3: Post a before and after image for all 3 enhanced photographs on you blog. For each enhanced photograph describe the techniques you used for enhancement and how they changed the photograph.  

You will be graded out of 10 on the following success criteria:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
-Blog post is titled
-3 before and after photographs are posted
-descriptions of the techniques used for enhancement
-enhanced photographs show exploration and experimenting
-enhanced photographs are revised to full completion
Limited and/or parts are missing

5     5.5
Somewhat and/or parts are missing

6     6.5
Good work.

7     7.5
Strong and advanced.

8    9    10

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