Monday 8 May 2017

Pattern and Texture Portfolio

RUBRIC for Pattern and Texture Portfolio
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Quality of photo:
-value range is balanced (not over or underexposed lighting)
-dynamic photographs
-subject is in focus            /10
Limited quality: limited value range and many unfocused subjects

5     5.5
Somewhat good quality: some value range, some subjects are focused

6     6.5
Good quality: most photos have:   full range of values from light to dark, and   subjects are mostly in focus
7     7.5
Great quality: full range of values from dark to light, all subjects are in focus

8     9    10
Thinking/ Inquiry
Patterns and Textures
-accurate depiction of composition techniques
Check the examples again. 5/10 accurately depict pattern and/or 5/10 accurately depict texture
5      5.5
Check the examples again. 6/10 accurately depict pattern and 6/10 accurately depict texture.
6      6.5
Good start! 7-8/10 accurately depict pattern and 7-8/10 accurately depict   textures.

7       7.5
Nailed it! 8-10/10 accurately depict pattern and 8-10/10 accurately depict textures.
8   9    10
Blog Post:
-each photograph is labeled with the photographic controls
-each photograph’s subject is identified
-blog post is titled appropriately                       /5
Composition techniques and subjects are rarely labeled accurately. Blog post has appropriate title.
5      5.5
Composition techniques and subjects are sometimes labeled accurately. Blog post has appropriate title.
6      6.5
Composition techniques and subjects are mostly labeled accurately. Blog post has appropriate title.

7       7.5
Composition technique and subject is labeled accurately. Blog post has appropriate title.
8   9    10 
Exploration and creativity:
-variety of angles, locations, subject matter, camera rotation
-variety of textures and patterns
-ordinary objects have been transformed into interesting photographs                       /10
Limited exploration and creativity: little variety of shots, little variety  angles, locations, subject matter, camera rotation.
Ordinary objects have been transformed into interesting photographs rarely
5     5.5
Some exploration and creativity: some variety  angles, locations, subject matter, camera rotation.
Ordinary objects have been transformed into interesting photographs sometimes.

6    6.5
Good exploration and creativity: a good variety of  angles, locations, subject matter, camera rotation.
Ordinary objects have been transformed into interesting photographs mostly.

7     7.5
Great exploration and highly creative portfolio: variety of  angles, locations, subject matter, camera rotation.
Ordinary objects have been transformed into interesting photographs
8     9    10

TOTAL       /40

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