Wednesday 3 May 2017

Digital Manipulation

Over the course of this unit we have been working with digital manipulation techniques. This topic can be quite controversial. Some people believe we should not alter images becuase it does not represent reality accurately but others believe it is creative and an form of art. Which side are you on? 

Your task: Read the following article on digital manipulation: Digital Manipulation Article, then Google digital manipulation images to familiarize yourself with examples and the arguments. Answer the following questions on a good ol' piece of paper: This is an opinion-based assignment. There is no "right" answer, I just want to see that you are thinking critically about digital manipulation.

1. What are the arguments for digital manipulation?
2. What are the arguments against digital manipulation?
3. When do you think digital manipulation is acceptable?
4. When do you think digital manipulation is not acceptable?
5. Under what conditions do you believe viewers or readers should be notified that an image has been digitally altered?
6. Is it easy to tell when an image has been digitally enhanced? What are some clues?
7. How does context affect our response to digitally-altered images? For example, would an
unacknowledged, digitally manipulated photograph in the Globe and Mail be more controversial than an altered image used by the National Enquirer?
8. What are the social concerns relating to digital enhancement of photos and images?

Digital Photo Manipulation - Incredible Examples
Josh Sommers "Desperation"

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