Tuesday 4 April 2017

Photoshop Techniques

Your Task: Follow along with Ms.P to learn the following Photoshop tools.

1. Selection tools: Magnetic Lasso, Magic Wand Tool, Inverse, Rectangle Selection, Quick Slection Tool
2. Spot Healing Brush Tool
3. Move Tool
4. Crop Tool
5. Clone Stamp Tool
6. HDR Toning
7. Dodge Tool
8. Burn Tool
9. Black and White Adjustment and Tint
10. Colour Balance
11. Brightness/Contrast Tool
12. Step Backward
13. Levels Tool
14. Spot Colour
15. Drag and drop images into other photographs
16. Managing layers

Your Assignment: Using the photos from the SShare folder do the following to the elephant image:
1. Open the image of the elephant
2. Crop the photo to a square.
3. Make two elephants and flip one elephant to face the opposite direction.
4. Select the flower from the flower photo and add it to one of the elephants heads.
5. Make the flower blue.
6. Make one elephant lighter in shade.
7. Make that same elephant purple.
8. Make the ocean black and white.
9. Make the trees in the background alternate light and dark by using the dodge and burn tools.
10. Select the sky and use a really obvious filter on it - you may need to adjust the settings.
11. Have the dinosaur swimming in the ocean - show only the top of its head, upper claws and tail.
12. Use the text tool and put your name in the bottom right hand corner of the image in white writing.
13. Save your new file as a .jpeg
14. Post your completed image to your blog and email me the link for grading.

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