Wednesday 8 March 2017

Pinhole Photography Assignment

Your task: Organize your pinhole photographs onto a contact sheet like the one pictured here. You will need to scan your photos and then use Photoshop and Publisher programs to create the contact sheet. Follow the directions below to complete.
1) Scan your photos onto your USB from the scanner in the classroom.
2) Take your USB to your computer and save the scanned photos onto your H:/ drive.
3) Open Photoshop (64-bit)
4) File> Open> your scanned pinhole photo negatives
5) For each photo do the following:
Image> Adjustments> Invert 
This should invert the black and white
Image > Image Rotation> Flip Canvas Horizontally
This should flip the image so it is no longer backwards
6) File> Save As> ***Rename your file so you still have the negative
7) Open Office Publisher to create the contact sheet
8) Insert> Images 
Insert your negative and positive and put them side-by-side as shown above. You will need to resize them. 
9) Continue to insert all of your pinhole photographs, both the positive and the negatives in chronological order (the order you took them in). USE THEM ALL as I want to see how you progressed and problem-solved.
10) Insert a text box to title you contact sheet, be sure to include your name too.
11) File>Save As> "Your Name Pinhole Assignment" onto your H:/ drive
12) Print your contact sheet to the class printer and hand-in

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