Thursday 16 February 2017

The Basics of Photography


Learning Goal

Get comfortable taking pictures with a camera and 
exploring different photo composition techniques.
The best camera is the one that you have with you.  This is a common quote among photographers, especially Chase Jarvis: check out his work here.  A better camera is not always available and there are important basic concepts that should be followed to get a great photograph.

Some links to great phone photographs.
10 of the best iphone photographers
iPhone Photography Tips
iPhone photography awards

Check out these wildlife photographs Best Wildlife Photos 2014

Simple camera tips

  • Hold the shutter button down halfway to focus your subject. Press the shutter all the way down to take a photograph. If using a smart phone, tap the screen to focus.
  • Keep the camera as still as possible when taking a picture.  Use a tripod when available or lean on something or set your camera down on something. This will keep the image focused. 
  • Don’t use flash.
  • Try different camera angles, get low to the ground, hold the camera high up.
  • Move in close to the subject you want to photograph. Don't zoom in!
  • HAVE A SUBJECT, there should be one thing that stands out in each photograph this is your subject.
Your Task: Using your camera phone take 10 photographs around the school and property. You have 25 minutes. When you return, select the best photo and post it on your blog. Remember to use the tips above and incorporate the elements and principles of design.

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