Friday 10 February 2017

Photograph Identification

Your task: Create one blog post for each of the topics we have covered so far: Purposes of Photography, Photographic Controls, Elements of Design, Principles of Design, Rule of Thirds.

Find photographs that are strong examples of the following:

Purposes of Photography
-to Control
-to Entertain
-to Inform
-to Advertise
-to Educate

-long shot
-medium shot
-extreme close-up
-wide angle
-high angle (bird's eye)
-low angle (worm's eye)
-eye level

Elements of Design
-horizontal line
-vertical line

Principles of Design

+ one photo demonstrating Rule of Thirds

ALSO write a sentence about each describing where you see the control or element of design within the photo - be as specific as possible.

Ms. P's Example

MOVEMENT: This photograph represents movement because our eye moves through the composition along the lines of the mailbox to the subject of the little girls.

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