Monday 27 February 2017


Quiz #1
-rule of thirds: what is it?
-Elements of Design: line, value, texture, colour, shape
-Principles of Design: balance, unity, movement, contrast, rhythm, emphasis
-Controls (6): central image, background/setting, framing, angle, lighting, focus
-Framing (4): extreme close-up, close-up, medium shot, long shot
-Angles (3): Bird’s eye, worm’s eye level
-Purposes (5): to control, to entertain, to advertise, to inform, to educate


-bring in a box

Friday 24 February 2017

Camera Obscura Questions

Camera Obscura

Using your finely tuned internet browsing skills, research the “camera obscura” and answer the following questions. Your answers should be logged in a Word document and printed to printer "BCI352DE" by the end of class or earlier!
1. Describe how the camera obscura works (you should include a diagram too)
2. Who is credited with inventing the camera obscura?
3. When was it first used, and for what purpose?
4. How could we make a camera obscura in class?
5. Can an entire room be made into a camera obscura?

Wednesday 22 February 2017

TedTalkin` It Up About Photography

Your task: Watch 3 out of the 5 following Ted talks and make notes on why these presenters consider photography important. What do they say the function of photography is? What are their personal reasons for photographing their subjects?

Create your own blog post and describe why you think photography is important. Describe whether you agree or disagree with some of the ideas presented in the videos and talk about your own ideas! Get bloggin'

1. Thomas Peschak - Ocean Photography
2. David Griffin - How Photography Connects Us
3. Erik_Johansson - Impossible Photography
4. Jimmy Nelson - Gorgeous Portraits of the Worlds Vanishing People
5. Garth Lenz - Images of Beauty and Devastation

Photo Credit: Jimmy Nelson

Thursday 16 February 2017

The Basics of Photography


Learning Goal

Get comfortable taking pictures with a camera and 
exploring different photo composition techniques.
The best camera is the one that you have with you.  This is a common quote among photographers, especially Chase Jarvis: check out his work here.  A better camera is not always available and there are important basic concepts that should be followed to get a great photograph.

Some links to great phone photographs.
10 of the best iphone photographers
iPhone Photography Tips
iPhone photography awards

Check out these wildlife photographs Best Wildlife Photos 2014

Simple camera tips

  • Hold the shutter button down halfway to focus your subject. Press the shutter all the way down to take a photograph. If using a smart phone, tap the screen to focus.
  • Keep the camera as still as possible when taking a picture.  Use a tripod when available or lean on something or set your camera down on something. This will keep the image focused. 
  • Don’t use flash.
  • Try different camera angles, get low to the ground, hold the camera high up.
  • Move in close to the subject you want to photograph. Don't zoom in!
  • HAVE A SUBJECT, there should be one thing that stands out in each photograph this is your subject.
Your Task: Using your camera phone take 10 photographs around the school and property. You have 25 minutes. When you return, select the best photo and post it on your blog. Remember to use the tips above and incorporate the elements and principles of design.

Friday 10 February 2017

Photograph Identification

Your task: Create one blog post for each of the topics we have covered so far: Purposes of Photography, Photographic Controls, Elements of Design, Principles of Design, Rule of Thirds.

Find photographs that are strong examples of the following:

Purposes of Photography
-to Control
-to Entertain
-to Inform
-to Advertise
-to Educate

-long shot
-medium shot
-extreme close-up
-wide angle
-high angle (bird's eye)
-low angle (worm's eye)
-eye level

Elements of Design
-horizontal line
-vertical line

Principles of Design

+ one photo demonstrating Rule of Thirds

ALSO write a sentence about each describing where you see the control or element of design within the photo - be as specific as possible.

Ms. P's Example

MOVEMENT: This photograph represents movement because our eye moves through the composition along the lines of the mailbox to the subject of the little girls.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Best Photo Assignment

Search the world-wide-web to find a photograph that YOU consider the best photograph ever taken, ever. There are soooo many options so please make sure you can name several reason why you think its the best photo ever.

Monday 6 February 2017

Purposes of Photography Example Post

 Purposes of Photography 
1) to CONTROL – photography used to provide a form of societal control (ID, photo radar, surveillance)
Jane Fonda Mug Shot

2) to INFORM – photography used to inform the viewer of an issue or subject (Time, Life magazines, newspapers, business documents

3) to ADVERTISE – photography used to advertise a product or service (magazine and newspaper ads, billboards, any photograph used to sell something)

4) to EDUCATE – photography used to educate the viewer (textbook photos, educational posters, diagrams)

5) to ENTERTAIN – photography use to entertain the viewer. Check out: Andrew Zuckerman Photography for wildlife photography and check out Seth Casteel: Seth Casteel Photography for underwater dogs!