Thursday 8 June 2017

Portrait Analysis

Portrait Analysis  
Find a portrait and write an analysis of it. Include both the photo as well as your analysis in the same printed document. DO NOT ANSWER THESE LIKE QUESTIONS, INSTEAD ANSWER ALL IN A PARAGRAPH.
1.      As we have done before, discuss the following controls in detail: subject, background, lighting, angle, framing and focus.
2.      Discuss 2 of the elements and 2 of the principles of design.
3.      What is the person like? What is revealed about the person in this portrait?
4.      How have the controls been used specifically to express the subject’s personality?
Your analysis should be approximately one page in length - typed, double spaced (250+ words).
Limited analysis, all questions from above have been answered and student shows limited understanding of Elements, Principles, Controls and Portrait.
Somewhat detailed analysis, all questions from above have been answered and student shows some understanding of Elements, Principles, Controls and Portrait.
Mostly detailed analysis, all questions from above have been answered and student shows good understanding of Elements, Principles, Controls and Portrait.
Highly detailed analysis, all questions from above have been answered and student shows strong understanding of Elements, Principles, Controls and Portrait.
7.5         8.3
9         9.8
10.5     11.3
12        13.5       15

Monday 29 May 2017


Hi Folks,
As of yesterday I have updated all your marks. Anything that you submit from now on must be submitted by email. I will not check your website again this semester so if you need me to look at something posted there you must email me the link to the assignment.
Today I will hand back all work and I will hand out lists of missing assignments to everyone. If you lose this list you can find a list of all assignments further down the blog.
It would be smart to prioritize finishing the assignments that are worth the most marks over those worth only 2 or 5 marks.
Once you complete a late assignment you must email me the link or hand it in to me directly (depending on how it was required in the first place).

Thursday 25 May 2017

Catching UP

Here is a checklist of items to catch-up on since mid-terms, all of which need to be posted on your blog and then YOU MUST EMAIL ME THE LINK TO FIND THE FINISHED WORK:
-Photoshop Techniques on Elephant = 2 marks
-Negative Space and Fill the Frame Portfolio (10 images total) = 30 marks
-Digital Celebrity = 10 marks
-Background Switch = 10 marks
-Shutter Speed Portfolio (10 images total) = 10 marks
-Enhance 3 of your own photographs in Photoshop and post the before and after images Click Here = 2 marks each enhancement
-Digital Manipulation opinion response = 5 marks
-Pattern and Texture Portfolio = 40 marks
-SLR Portfolio contact sheet and glossy BEST printed (handout) = 30 marks
-Variations and Transformations Photoshop (handout) = 10 marks (or do more for bonus marks!)
-Blend Mode on Photoshop (handout) = 5 marks (or do more for bonus marks!)
-Float, Blur and Emphasis Project (handout)

Monday 8 May 2017


What is covered on the test?
-Controls (lighting)
-Elements (shape)
-Principles (contrast)
-4 types of framing (close-up)
-3 different angles (high angle, eye level, low angle)
-Purposes of Photography (to control, to advertise, to inform, to educate, to entertain)
-Rule of Thirds
-Light Facts (straight lines, bounces)
-Pinhole Camera (how big the box is, length of shutter opening, how large the pinhole is)
-Processing Photographic Paper (developer bath = develops, stop bath = stops the developer)
-Photograph Analysis
-Parts of the SLR Camera (shutter, mirror, aperture lens, viewfinder, etc.)
-Photographic Controls (aperture, shutter speed, ISO)
-Shutter Speed

What is the format of the test?
-labeling diagrams
-multiple choice
-short answer (listing)
-long answer

Catching UP

Here is a checklist of items to catch-up on since mid-terms, all of which need to be posted on your blog:
-Photoshop Techniques on Elephant = 2 marks
-Negative Space and Fill the Frame Portfolio (10 images total) = 30 marks
-Digital Celebrity = 10 marks
-Background Switch = 10 marks
-Shutter Speed Portfolio (20 images total) = 10 marks
-Enhance 3 of your own photographs in Photoshop and post the before and after images Click Here = 2 marks each enhancement
-Digital Manipulation opinion response = 5 marks
-Pattern and Texture Portfolio = 40 marks
-SLR Portfolio contact sheet and glossy BEST printed

If you have everything complete you should be studying for the test on Wednesday.

Pattern and Texture Portfolio

RUBRIC for Pattern and Texture Portfolio
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Quality of photo:
-value range is balanced (not over or underexposed lighting)
-dynamic photographs
-subject is in focus            /10
Limited quality: limited value range and many unfocused subjects

5     5.5
Somewhat good quality: some value range, some subjects are focused

6     6.5
Good quality: most photos have:   full range of values from light to dark, and   subjects are mostly in focus
7     7.5
Great quality: full range of values from dark to light, all subjects are in focus

8     9    10
Thinking/ Inquiry
Patterns and Textures
-accurate depiction of composition techniques
Check the examples again. 5/10 accurately depict pattern and/or 5/10 accurately depict texture
5      5.5
Check the examples again. 6/10 accurately depict pattern and 6/10 accurately depict texture.
6      6.5
Good start! 7-8/10 accurately depict pattern and 7-8/10 accurately depict   textures.

7       7.5
Nailed it! 8-10/10 accurately depict pattern and 8-10/10 accurately depict textures.
8   9    10
Blog Post:
-each photograph is labeled with the photographic controls
-each photograph’s subject is identified
-blog post is titled appropriately                       /5
Composition techniques and subjects are rarely labeled accurately. Blog post has appropriate title.
5      5.5
Composition techniques and subjects are sometimes labeled accurately. Blog post has appropriate title.
6      6.5
Composition techniques and subjects are mostly labeled accurately. Blog post has appropriate title.

7       7.5
Composition technique and subject is labeled accurately. Blog post has appropriate title.
8   9    10 
Exploration and creativity:
-variety of angles, locations, subject matter, camera rotation
-variety of textures and patterns
-ordinary objects have been transformed into interesting photographs                       /10
Limited exploration and creativity: little variety of shots, little variety  angles, locations, subject matter, camera rotation.
Ordinary objects have been transformed into interesting photographs rarely
5     5.5
Some exploration and creativity: some variety  angles, locations, subject matter, camera rotation.
Ordinary objects have been transformed into interesting photographs sometimes.

6    6.5
Good exploration and creativity: a good variety of  angles, locations, subject matter, camera rotation.
Ordinary objects have been transformed into interesting photographs mostly.

7     7.5
Great exploration and highly creative portfolio: variety of  angles, locations, subject matter, camera rotation.
Ordinary objects have been transformed into interesting photographs
8     9    10

TOTAL       /40